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Only Ten

Lessons from Lot on Living a Life of Influence

In this compelling book, authors Jeff Lupinacci and Nick Person examine the life of Lot through the lens of the Great Commission. Lot was a man of faith who lived in the land of Sodom for fifteen years. Why didn’t he influence others? Was he afraid of being labeled intolerant or politically incorrect? What held him back from sharing God’s love and, importantly, what lessons can we learn from his tragic story?

Jeff Lupinacci

Jeff Lupinacci is a marketplace missionary and a business executive who has worked with global companies like Intel Corp and Kimberly-Clark. Jeff is a husband, a father of two great kids, and a frequent conference speaker. He currently lives in North Texas with his family.

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Nick Person

Nick Person has been in full time ministry for fourteen years. He currently serves as the teaching pastor at New Vision Baptist Church in Nashville, Tennessee. He has had many opportunities to communicate the gospel and has a passion to share the steps of walking out your faith. He is a husband, a dad, and enjoys the opportunity he gets to display the gospel through his job and through his life outside of church.

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