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Sweet Selah Moments

Encouragement for Everyday Living

Stop and sit for a few quiet moments...and rest in a ‘sweet selah moment’ with the Word of God. A selah is a short pause or break in the normal pattern of a psalm or a song or a life. God calls us often to ‘be still and know’ that He is God. This beautiful devotional journal is designed to help you develop a daily habit of intentional time with God. If you only have five minutes or so, read the short verse and message for the day. If you have longer to ponder, go deeper by using the study questions to think through the scriptures and how they apply to your life. No matter what your day looks like, you’ll find yourself enjoying the chance to take a ‘sweet selah moment’ while pausing to remember that you are loved by the One who made you.

Recognized by Christianbook.com as a top pick for January 2025!

Sharon Gamble

Sharon Gamble is the founder and director of Sweet Selah Ministries, a ministry that encourages women to ‘take time to know God and love Him more and more.’ She is a wife, mother, grandmother, blogger, and frequent speaker at women’s events. Sharon enjoys helping women develop their relationship with God through her writing, relationships, and speaking engagements.

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